We’ve been using smart flow meter solutions for the past six years and have seen tremendous benefits in regards to saving on the annual water bill as tenants are more reliable and aware of the water consumption. It also provides us with a peace of mind knowing that the water flow valve will shut off in case of an emergency. It gives us protection for anyone using water in a vindictive way to rise our water bill as before we started sub metering our water, we had problems with tenants causing us thousands of dollars. We’ve all heard of someone who’s been burned before so this is a solution plus a problem solver.
Now that we are using smart meter solutions to submeter the water on our multiplex units, we no longer have to pay for the tenants water and it allows our tenants to send us an email transfer to reload their card when they run low on their water. Overall, the smart meter flow solutions has been a massive benefit to our business in controlling the amount of water used. We recommend this to any landlord to have installed on their properties and operate separately from lease agreement
As landlords we put the subwater meters into our rental units in 2019. It gives us an accurate reading of water usage for each tenant every month. The water consumption has gone down in the complex as each tenant pays for their water; saving us as landlords extra expenses. We highly encourage all landlords to use this product. Make sure water is supplied by others marked in lease agreement, not by landlords.
I am a former landlord stung by tenants running up large water bills, up to $970 in one case and having the city transfer the outstanding amount to my taxes. I believe water submetering would eliminate the problem